How Long Should You Wait Between Tattoo Sessions

Once you get the fun of tattooing yourself, you must be itching to get another one. That’s when we advise you to hold your horse for a moment. Even if you are ready to decorate yourself again, most probably, your body isn’t.

When you get a tattoo, the body goes through a mild trauma. So getting another tattoo after getting one will be very unwise.

In the below segment, we have elaborately discussed the topic of how long you should wait between tattoo sessions.

How Long You Should Wait Between Tattoo Sessions

How Long Should You Wait Between Tattoo Sessions
Normally it takes about 2 – 3 weeks to heal your body after getting a tattoo. It is the least amount of time. However, if you don’t take care or maintain it properly, the healing period will be increased.

Can You Get Another Tattoo While One Is Healing?

Can You Get Another Tattoo While One Is Healing
When your tattoo starts healing, you will feel very itchy. This is the time your skin is healing itself actively. Don’t get anxious; it’s just an average side effect. Two or three weeks later, you will be in perfect shape. You can go under sunlight, have fun or do other activities in the swimming pool without worrying.

In this state, if you take another tattoo, your body may not react positively, and that’s not a good thing. So, this is the least amount of time you should wait to get a new tattoo. Keep in mind, only the outer layer of your skin will be healed at that time, not the deeper layer. So we advise you to keep taking care of your skin for up to 6 months.

If you want to get healed completely, you might have to wait more than six months. But we can’t be that patient, right?

Can You Get Tattooed Two Days In A Row?

Can You Get Tattooed Two Days In A Row
The answer depends on some factors, such as if you are going to get more than one tattoo, whether the tattoo artist allows it or not.

Hypothetically, it’s not a problem at all, but if your body undergoes mild trauma two days in a row, the immune system might get compromised.

When you get the first tattoo, your body will be healing that part actively to recover it. If you get another one the next day, your immune system has to cover two separate parts of your body. The summary is, as your body system can’t cover both tattoo areas, your skin may get infected.

So we don’t recommend getting tattoos two days in a row.

Also read: When is the Best Time to Get a Tattoo?

Can You Start A Tattoo and Finish It the Next Day?

Let’s say you are getting a large-sized tattoo to cover your back. In this case, it’s only natural that it may take more than two or 3 sessions to finish it. So, if it requires multiple days to complete the tattoo design, you should take a break for 2-3 weeks before finishing it. If your tattoo design needs working on the same area, you should allow your skin to heal.

Most tattoo artists are aware of this issue. So they will also suggest you take the necessary interval.

How Long Do You Have To Wait To Get A Tattoo Redone?

How Long Do You Have To Wait To Get A Tattoo Redone
After a certain amount of time, your tattoo might fade or may not look as detailed. That’s when you should think of touching up the tattoo. We recommend you to redone your tattoo after 12 months or so.

Here’s a tip: properly maintain and take care of your tattoo. If you do that, you may not need to redo the tattoo for many years.

If you want to redo your tattoo, first consult with your tattoo artist because his/her experienced eye can notice all the areas that need to be improved. Some artists also recommend redone the tattoo within 6 months.

Other than that, even after getting a new tattoo, you might notice certain flaws in your tattoo. Maybe it doesn’t look as vibrant or gorgeous, or perhaps the finishing needs a little rework.

This kind of issue can also be solved by getting your tattoo redone. For that, you have to week 2 – 3 weeks to heal the tattoo.

Is It OK To Get A Tattoo Every Month?

Is It OK To Get A Tattoo Every Month
As long as you properly take care of your body along with the tattoo, you can get a tattoo 2 or 3 weeks apart. Meaning you can get a tattoo every month if you want.

Assuming you want to get a tattoo every month, we suggest getting a small-sized tattoo. Because a small-sized tattoo means it will heal sooner than the bigger-sized ones.

Nevertheless, getting a tattoo on your body is very painful. Even if you can withstand the pain of getting one, your body will most likely react well if you get two tattoos in one session.

Tattoos are very endearing, and you should take care of the tattoo no matter what. Otherwise, you will not only be in pain but also face long-term skin-related issues.

Wrap Up:

Getting the tattoo of your choice is a sensational feeling. However, you shouldn’t be hasty about getting multiple tattoos at a single time. Because your body may not react the way it should. So after getting a tattoo wait for a while to let your body heal up.

Hopefully, our analogy on How long you should wait between tattoo sessions will help you to make the right decisions when getting a tattoo.

Also read:

1. Tattoo Cartridge Needles Review
2. Showering with a New Tattoo: Facts You Need to Know

About the author

I’m S.R Bhuiyan, a proud Tattoo artist. I will share the body art journey with you here in PrettyJust. I have 10+ years of experience in the field of tattoo, piercing, nail art, and skincare. Check out my bio which has my tattoo studio/cat/travel pics!

1 thought on “How Long Should You Wait Between Tattoo Sessions”

  1. I am learning to tattoo, so naturally I am practicing on myself. I did a poor job filling the tattoo since I didn’t have the appropriate needles. I recently bought the right needles and I want to give it another try. I tattooed myself 2-3 weeks ago a wrist band, I want it all black. Right now looks like a child drawing (a bunch of lines together) so I’d like to properly fill it. The skin is not that itchy anymore I see it has peeled already. There might be some small lines that need more peeling. Can I start filling or should I need to wait more time? TIA


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